
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You Sexy Mother in the Community

Well, I have been a bit out of it for the last couple of months with regards to my blog. We had a terrible month with our little girl having to go into hospital with a nasty ankle joint infection, but are now finally getting back on track, and I have lots of new ideas to share!

First of all I would like to share some work I have been doing for You Sexy Mother in the Community, a not-for-profit organisation which aims to provide a community for new mums in particular, through events inspired by the You Sexy Mother books by Jodie Hedley-Ward. The first event will be on the Sunshine Coast on Saturday 26th March 2011. Anyway, I was asked to design some graphics for their Facebook page which should be uploaded any day soon, but here's a sneak peek at what it will look like... all very exciting!